Introducing the Rise Up Book Club. Wanna join?

I'm starting a book club this month, and you’re invited. The Rise Up Book Club will be a space to dive deeper into the issues impacting equity and education locally and nationally.

A small group of us in Seattle will be getting together later this month for some fellowship and foundation-laying. From there, we’ll read, discuss, learn and apply what we know. I'll write about it. Maybe you will too. Then we'll pick the next book.

In light of the never-ending conversation about public school integration, and in the spirit of autocratic thinking for the sake of getting things off the ground, this is where I've decided to start:

The Color of Law.JPG

We talk often about school integration, but we often overlook the fundamental truth that our cities themselves are segregated. Our lives, by and large, are segregated. But why are our cities segregated? Until we understand how we got where we are, I don't know how we can expect to fully change course. Let’s see what Richard Rothstein has to say about it and go from there.

Please contact me on Twitter, Facebook, email, or by almost any other means necessary if you’re interested in being a part of the Rise Up Book Club. Partake remotely, virtually, silently and secretly, or in whatever way suits you. We will figure it out.

Here's to dismantling systems of oppression by first understanding them. Much love.